WOW 017 – Live in the Sunshine

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Quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson "Live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, drink the wild air."
Portrait of Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson has alot of really great quotes attributed to him. At this time of year (in the northern hemisphere) this quote really speaks to me. It brings to mind my childhood where this was what summer meant to me.

As soon as school was out, which is today in our area, we rarely set foot inside during the day. We played in the yard – myself, my two younger sisters and sometimes our older brother. A beautiful private beach was just a few minutes walk down a dusty dirt road. Sometimes we’d walk but most of the time we ran, in bare feet! Who needed shoes in the summer?

Word Image

Ralph Waldo Emerson
American essayist, lecturer, philosopher, abolitionist, and poet.
Born: May 25, 1803
Died: April 27, 1882
Concord, Mass, USA

Our bicycles were always in use too. Either riding round and round our circular driveway, up and down the beach road or, sometimes, we’d ride about a mile to our local general store for candy, ice cream or popsicles.

Going to the store meant going through the provincial park where we were allowed to stay and play in the playground, unsupervised. There was so much fun to be had within our small community and we were safe.

There were always relatives around as my father’s family was at least half the population. That meant cousins to play with as well as adults who would reprimand us or send us home if necessary.

We lived in the sunshine! We swam in the sea! We drank the wild air!

two girls playing on a small merry-go-round in a playground.
Image by Anja from Pixabay

So what changed? Obviously, we grew up and moved on with our adult lives. I never left my province as an adult but I did move to more populated areas. No excuse though as the ocean is always nearby on an island.

As an adult, I think I felt I shouldn’t be playing anymore. There were important things to do, a job, children to raise, a house to clean etc. Even so, we need to learn to take time off now and then. Go on vacation or, if that’s out of your price range, have a staycation. Play tourist in your own area. Go see the sites, swim in the ocean, lake or river nearest you. Have fun! That is missing in many adult lives. But it’s important.

If you’ve been feeling stuck in a rut, feeling down or even depressed I’ll bet you haven’t had much fun lately. Give it a try! Go on a hike, go zip-lining or tree walking. Go to an amusement park, a dinner theatre or a comedy show. There is always something going on in the summer and many activities are free or very reasonably priced.

What are you doing for fun these days? When was the last time you went on vacation? Let’s chat about it in the comments.

7 responses to “WOW 017 – Live in the Sunshine”

  1. joannerambling Avatar

    Ralph Waldo Emerson a name I know a man I now nothing about but he did say some interesting stuff. As a child during summer I spent pretty much every day, all day outside doing I have no idea what

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Razz N Roze Avatar
      Razz N Roze

      That’s just how it was back then right? We didn’t need alot to be entertained, we made our own fun. We had a fort in the woods, we played hide-and-seek, hopscotch and jump-rope. Life was good and easy and fun.


      1. joannerambling Avatar

        Hell yeah I played all these games with my friend Stacey and another girl who’s name I don’t remember


  2. Free KetoDietRecipes & Guides Avatar
    Free KetoDietRecipes & Guides

    good read

    Have A Great Day Ahead – Melissa

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Razz N Roze Avatar
      Razz N Roze

      Thanks for stopping in Melissa. Sorry I had to edit your comment to remove the link as it went to spam. If anyone is looking for free keto recipes you can see the name of her site next to her profile pic and go from there. Have a wonderful day!


  3. camilla wells paynter Avatar
    camilla wells paynter

    You’re so right. And I love me some RWE! “No law can be sacred to me but that of my own nature.” (From “Self-Reliance,” an essay that was originally a college commencement speech.)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Razz N Roze Avatar
      Razz N Roze

      That’s an interesting quote that will have thinking for awhile. I like it! I have to ask though, what is RWE?

      Liked by 1 person

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