Over-Consumption – Use what you have first

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Many of us would agree that we consume far too much, creating an abundance of waste and destruction of resources. But, what if we could change our habits to not only reduce what we use and our waste but also save money and increase our satisfaction as consumers? This blog post looks at the benefits of using what we already have and what we can do to make this shift in our over-consuming habits.

The Reality of Over-Consumption

Over-consumption affects our climate and air quality. It pollutes not just the air but our earth and its complex ecosystems including forests, jungles, marshland, wildlife and all kinds of waterways.

According to statistics we are using up the earth’s resources 1.7% faster than they can regenerate.

The Benefits of Using What You Have

Let’s face it, you don’t need brand-new reusable food baggies if you still have regular plastic ones at home. You don’t need all glass Tupperware containers if the plastic ones you’re using are still doing their job. You don’t need plastic-free & zero-waste cleaning supplies if the cleaners you’re using still have plenty left. You don’t need a fancy new eco-friendly water bottle if the plastic one you have still works just fine.

You can make those swaps later when you’re finished using what you have first. constantly purchasing products based on what you think you should have will keep you stuck on the advertising hook. At your core, you know what you need and what you don’t.

We are only expediating the waste output if we throw out perfectly good supplies in exchange for their new eco-friendly counterparts. It makes sense to use up what you have THEN go out and find a good deal on something that will last longer, be more eco-friendly and/or create less waste. In the long run, you will help save our planet, save yourself money and make life a little bit simpler.

How to Change Habits to Use What You Have

It’s not easy to change habits but you can do it. Pick one small thing to change and stick with it. Maybe you use alot of sandwich baggies packing lunches for your family. Start looking around for a product that will serve your needs without breaking the bank. You have until your current supply of baggies runs out. If you wash and reuse them even better, you’ve got loads of time. Outfit one family member at a time with the new storage system and before you know it you’ll all be packing eco-friendly lunches

Be patient with yourself. This kind of change doesn’t happen overnight. While you are working on these small, positive changes you could also start thinking about things you currently purchase that you don’t need to spend money on at all. For example, I don’t buy paper towels. I have a supply of rags I’ve made by cutting up old clothes, sheets and/or towels. They serve the purpose well and can be washed and reused.

So block the noise, stop overconsuming, and don’t stress yourself out about not being whatever-free. You can be passionate about the planet and living eco-friendly without falling into consumer traps. Do what you can with what you already have first.

Over-consumption is an issue that requires a change in our habits and mindsets. By using what we have first and changing our buying habits to prioritize sustainability, think long-term, and stay mindful of our impact on the planet, we can reduce our over-consumption and create a better future.

Join the conversation – leave a comment on this post with actions you already take or plan to take to prioritize using what you have first!

17 responses to “Over-Consumption – Use what you have first”

  1. Looking for the Light Avatar
    Looking for the Light

    Boy is that the truth. I’ve work every day on the subject, it requires managing everything you do and purchase which requires time, but it’s always worth it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Razz N Roze Avatar
      Razz N Roze

      Yes you are certainly right. It does require thought and work. But if you stick to small changes over time it is manageable and we’ll worth it. It always gives me a good feeling when I can reduce my waste even more and choose eco-friendly instead.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. camilla wells paynter Avatar
    camilla wells paynter

    This, right here: “block the noise.” Amen, sister! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Razz N Roze Avatar
      Razz N Roze

      Yes Camilla that is a big point. We get caught up in what others are doing, what they have, and feel we need to keep up to that standard. I prefer to do my own thing and to heck with what others think. I’m aiming for a simpler life without all the ‘noise’.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Educación y más. Avatar
    Educación y más.

    NICE 💚💓💖



    Liked by 1 person

    1. Razz N Roze Avatar
      Razz N Roze

      Thanks for the visit and comment. Have a great day!


  4. AM Avatar

    So true. Thanks for sharing this. We could all use a reminder to use less if we already have stuff that works.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Razz N Roze Avatar
      Razz N Roze

      It’s so tempting to buy things. I’m often tempted by kitchen gadgets that I would rarely use. When I stop to consider that the tools I have will do the same job I can scroll right past them and feel good that I saved the money and the waste when I would inevitably throw it out. People got along fine with alot less for hundreds of years.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. AM Avatar

        So true. I call myself a minimalist as well. I probably have way too little stuff 😂.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Razz N Roze Avatar
        Razz N Roze

        As long as you are content with what you have it can’t be too little. Otherwise you would feel deprived or even worse, needy, don’t you think?

        Liked by 1 person

      3. AM Avatar

        So true. Most of the things I’d like to upgrade are my apple products 😂.


  5. nandasagec Avatar

    Thanks for sharing

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Razz N Roze Avatar
      Razz N Roze

      Thanks for stopping in and commenting. Hope you are having a great week!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. nandasagec Avatar

        My pleasure and you too have a great day!

        Liked by 1 person

  6. joannerambling Avatar

    Over consuming is something far too many of us do, some by choice, sometimes without even noticing we are doing so. I am not one to update stuff just because it is old, if it still works and is still useable I will stick with it till it’s not.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Razz N Roze Avatar
      Razz N Roze

      I like that Joanne! I remember my mother being this way. We had a toaster throughout my childhood that was a wedding gift. I remember using it until I was at least 12 so it would have been about 20 years old. There ate other wedding gifts as well that lasted many many years.

      It’s not as common now because products aren’t made to be fixed but thrown away and replaced. Also today’s society tends to want new shiny things rather than old, out of style things. It’s really a shame.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. joannerambling Avatar

        Yes it is a shame that things are not made to last or to be repaired just toss it in the bin and buy a new one but if I had a choice I would have things that would stand the test of time.

        Liked by 1 person

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