C.O.M.E. & C. Our Bloomers

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The greatest thing about practicing mindfulness or being mindful is that it is so easy. You don’t have to sit and cross your legs and go mmmmm for hours. If you have never taken the time to practice mindfulness, let me warn you about the hardest part of it. The hardest and most difficult thing will be making yourself stop, pause, and just do it.

Being mindful is the simple act of pausing and being in the moment. Being aware and observing something. However, we are so busy with our lives, getting things done, and dealing with issues, that taking the moment to pause and be still, even just for a brief moment, can be very difficult.

The purpose of this series is to provide you with examples that you could try for yourself to practice being mindful even in just a few seconds. If you choose to try it for yourself you may find that not only is it easy. It’s also relaxing and at times a great way to clear your mind so you can better get the things done that you want to do or come up with solutions for dealing with the issues you are dealing with.

Roze has some flowers planted around the house and mother nature has thrown some of her own in as well. Lately, I have noticed they have started blooming. So I have been taking a moment here and there to walk around the yard checking out Roze’s bloomers. I took a few pictures so let’s check them out.

The above images; the first one is called Blue Bells which I found one day out back behind some bushes. Dug them and gave most of them to a neighbor of mine that has a huge flower garden in her front yard. The rest I planted around the house where they can be better seen and appreciated. The second image is called Columbine which comes in many colours but ours have these beautiful purple and white flowers. The 3rd are called Johnny-Jump-ups and right now they are growing in the grass by our front door. The front yard is just covered with them.

By the way, just so you know I’m not a gardener so if, perhaps, I got any of the names wrong or maybe they have another name feel free to share in the comments.

The below images: The flowers that are blooming in the first photo are Daffodils. We have an old water pump with a bunch of rocks around it and the Daffodils decided to grow up through them. The second image is buttercups that grow wild in many people’s yards. Our back yard is full of them even though I cut the grass less than a week ago. Also, most kids love them and love to pick them for their mothers. When I was a kid we would pluck one and hold it under a friend/sibling’s chin to see if they liked butter. If it reflects yellow under their chin then they do like butter. A silly little game but I’m sure many of us have done it. The last image is yellow tulips that my grandmother planted many many years ago under the living room window.

Well, that was fun. Hope it inspires you to find things in nature to pause and take notice. Life can be stressful so make sure to take a minute to enjoy something in the moment. If you live somewhere that is winter perhaps take time to appreciate an indoor plant.

Thanks for joining us here at Razzworks and we look forward to seeing you again. Until next time, remember, keep on going and keep on growing.

14 responses to “C.O.M.E. & C. Our Bloomers”

  1. Stella Reddy Avatar
    Stella Reddy



    1. Razz N Roze Avatar
      Razz N Roze

      Thanks Stella! 👍🏼

      Liked by 1 person

  2. joannerambling Avatar

    I don’t think I have been here before but I may be wrong I often am, anyway being mindful is something some people have trouble with, thankfully not me, well not always but there have been and will be again times when I am not mindful, partly because my brain is in a fog like trance or in other words I am off with the pixies as in not all with it and when someone is like that mindfulness isn’t present it is also off with the pixies, just saying.

    Also I like photos of flowers they make me feel good

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Razz N Roze Avatar
      Razz N Roze

      Hi Joanne! Yes you have been here before but I understand not remembering. Also we changed our them just a while back so our site may look different to you. As for being mindful I understand what you’re saying since I deal with brain fog alot. I like the term you used ‘off with the pixies’! I think I’ll use this, it sounds so much nicer than brain fog. The point is to be mindful from time to time when you can. It’s harder for some people but it’s good to keep in mind. Have a wonderful weekend.


      1. joannerambling Avatar

        Of course I have been here before and knew it just after I hit comment, talk about not being with it, yeah I like the term “off with the pixies” it is what mum use to say to describe herself when she wasn’t all with it

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Priti Avatar

    Mother nature is beautiful! Great shot and yes we need to practice mindfulness. Well shared

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Razz N Roze Avatar
      Razz N Roze

      Thanks Priti, you’re absolutely right – Mother nature is amazing! She gives us plenty to look around and be mindful about for sure don’t you think?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Priti Avatar

        Read my book 😀


  4. tampete Avatar

    Thanks for your post and the fabulous pictures. Trying to master this mindfulness thing, but there’s always so much ‘noise’ around.

    Going to an open garden at the weekend, so may share a few photos next week.

    Best for now S

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Razz N Roze Avatar
      Razz N Roze

      An open garden sounds like the perfect place to practice mindfulness. We live in a city so I understand about all the noise around making it difficult. However, if you have even a few moments of ‘somewhat’ quiet it can still be done. It doesn’t have to take long. Enjoy your visit to the garden!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. tampete Avatar

    Thanks and will do 👍


  6. The Oceanside Animals Avatar
    The Oceanside Animals

    Java Bean: “Ayy, so many pretty flowers!”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Razz N Roze Avatar
      Razz N Roze

      Thanks, Java Bean!! I’m so glad you like the flowers!


  7. spotlightchoices.com-C. Wilson Avatar
    spotlightchoices.com-C. Wilson

    Appreciate your post and that “Being mindful is the simple act of pausing and being in the moment.”

    Liked by 1 person

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