Ways to Conquer Low Self-esteem

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Low self-esteem is an issue many people face. Often you can’t even tell who has low self-esteem and who doesn’t. Unfortunately, you can’t just ‘get over it’ like some people would tell you to do but there are many things you can do to help you realize your worth. Let me make some suggestions.

Before I get into the suggestions I’d like to tell you some of the things that can cause low self-esteem. Of course, there are many, many causes so I’m only going to touch on a few here. You could probably come up with alot more with only a few moments of thought.

Something many people do that is not good for your self-esteem is comparing yourself to others. Especially when that comparison leaves you lacking in some area. Everyone is their own unique person so comparing yourself to others will never help you. The only comparison you should ever make is to your former self. Looking for ways you have improved, grown and learned over time will help you to realize your worth.

be proud of who you are and how far you've come

Other things we do that can lead to low self-esteem are doubting ourselves, filling our heads with “should haves”, failing to set boundaries, and putting the wants and needs of everyone else first. There has to be room in your life for YOU. When you realize your worth you will take care of your needs better and improve your self-esteem.

You may be saying that it’s easier said than done and that is true. However, I am living proof that it can be done. When I was a child in school I had very low self-esteem. I never thought I was as good as others and I was constantly afraid of failing, afraid to try and afraid of people. This led to social anxiety and depression as a teen and young adult. I started taking panic attacks when I was about 13 years old so I avoided most social situations for years.

Today I am a different person. I realize my worth and treat myself more kindly. I still don’t like large crowds but I can endure them when I have to. The difference is I don’t feel like everyone else is better than me anymore. And you can get there too. Hopefully the following suggestions will help.

take time out for you
  1. Silence the negative voice – challenge your negative thoughts and prove them wrong.
  2. Do something you enjoy just for yourself – I repeat with emphasis ‘Just. For. Yourself!’
  3. Practice random acts of kindness every day or as often as you can – doing something nice for someone else feels good and makes you feel worthy of good things yourself.
  4. Set achievable goals and break them down into small manageable steps.
  5. Challenge yourself with something outside your comfort zone – Take it small at first and work up to bigger challenges as you have more successes.
  6. Reward yourself for your accomplishments – ‘You did it!’ so celebrate!
  7. Surround yourself with positive people – positive people will help you feel good about yourself just be careful that you don’t depend on their constant boost to keep you there.
  8. Don’t compare yourself with others, only to yourself.
  9. Focus on solutions instead of problems – coming up with solutions is positive.
  10. Accept compliments with a simple “Thank you.”
  11. Don’t apologize when you haven’t done something wrong – As a Canadian this one is tough as “Sorry” comes out so automatically in many situations LOL
  12. Say “no” without apology.
  13. Change your mindset – ‘new’ is exciting and different not scary
  14. Set healthy boundaries for yourself and enforce them. Boundaries are useless unless you adhere to them.
  15. Journal – every night write 3 positive things about today, 3 things you’re grateful for or just get your thoughts and worries out of your head and onto paper (or computer)
Journal, it will listen to you always

You know, I remember the day everything changed for me. I was in my early 20s with an overbearing husband and three small children. The TV was on in the background. I don’t remember what was on but I’ll never forget the words I heard – “Taking care of yourself is not selfish!” It seems such a simple concept to me now but at the time it was a life-changing awareness for me, literally! I felt like my eyes were finally opened. I was worthy!

I truly hope that you realize your worth! You are not ‘less’ than anyone. You deserve to follow your dreams, control your own life and make the most of yourself starting right now! If you have ever dealt with and conquered low self-esteem I’d love to hear your story of how you overcame it. Did you have an epiphany like I did or was it something else? Let’s chat in the comments.


4 responses to “Ways to Conquer Low Self-esteem

  1. Create Your Own Powerful Positive Affirmation Cards – RazzWorks Avatar
    Create Your Own Powerful Positive Affirmation Cards – RazzWorks

    […] you want to work on your feelings or experiences of self-worth, self-esteem, or inner strength with dealing with certain circumstances or situations in your life. A thought […]


  2. 7 Benefits of Positive Affirmations for Mental Health – RazzWorks Avatar
    7 Benefits of Positive Affirmations for Mental Health – RazzWorks

    […] because while reciting them, you are continuously reminding yourself, you are worth it. So your self-esteem, confidence, and self-worth, all increase, and because you are more aware of the thoughts and words […]


  3. TILLY Avatar

    This was powerful!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Razz N Roze Avatar
      Razz N Roze

      Wow, thanks! I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Keep coming back for more 👍🏼

      Liked by 1 person

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