Reduce Waste to Save our Planet

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Have you thought about how much waste your household throws out? Have you tried to reduce waste going from your home or office into landfill? I’ve been aware for years but never really thought about it much until lately.

I mean, I hate throwing out the overabundance of packaging that comes on so many products, but really, did it stop me from buying the item? Unfortunately, the answer is often no. If you’re like me you’d like to do better. Below are some ideas to help us all reduce waste and be better stewards of our world.

So much plastic!

So much Plastic!

1. Bring your own reusable bags or bins when you go shopping. There are so many options now. Where I live plastic bags are not an option anymore so we’ve become accustomed to using reusable bags. We’ve even gotten pretty good at remembering to put them back in the car once they are emptied.

2. Shop at farmer’s markets and bulk stores where you can use reusable bags and containers. Farmer’s markets are a great resource and can be found in most small towns and cities. You can support your local farmers and reduce waste at the same time as you get some nutritious and tasty fresh produce.

3. Use real cutlery, even for take-out. No more disposable plastic forks and those awful knives. I’ve seen nice sets of bamboo cutlery that come in a little case for carrying in your bag but a set from your kitchen in a baggie will do the trick.

4. Ditch plastic water bottles. Get yourself a cute reusable one that you’ll like carrying around with you so you’re more likely to use it. This tip alone will reduce waste greatly.

5. Refuse junk mail. In some cities, you can just put a sign on your mailbox “No junk” and they’ll honor it. Or you can call your local postal service. I’m sure there are many people already refusing junk mail to reduce waste so they likely already have a policy on it.

6. Switch out disposables with reusables. Instead of paper napkins use cloth. Cut up worn-out clothes for rags to use in place of paper towels. Avoid using paper plates. Refill spray bottles with bulk cleaner (or homemade) rather than purchasing a new full spray bottle. You’ll save money as well as reduce waste.

7. Buy second-hand when you can. You’ll save an item from landfill and used items rarely come with a profusion of packaging. Also decluttering and donating your used items to a thrift shop will provide items for someone else who may need them.

8. Think about every item you buy at the grocery store and try to find options with less or at least compostable packaging. Refuse to buy things in multiple layers of packaging. If there’s a product you really, really like but it’s packaged excessively you could find the company online and send them an email about your concerns.

9. Educate yourself on your local recycling policies. In my province, we have a ‘Waste Watch’ program. All of our garbage is sorted into ‘waste’, ‘recyclable’, and ‘compost’ and we have a bin for each. We, personally, don’t throw out alot so our waste bin is rarely even close to half full when they pick it up every second week. I’d like to see it with even less in it.

10. Eat more whole, real food and eat at home. Processed foods tend to have more waste packaging and aren’t as nutritious or tasty.

11. Stop using plastic straws. There are metal, paper, and bamboo straws available today and they are nice and small to carry in your purse or backpack (with your cutlery set).

12. Bring your lunch to work in reusable containers. Keep your own coffee cup at the office and bring it with you when you go out for coffee. Eating and drinking ‘out’ uses up lots of waste resources.

Now that you have some ideas of ways to reduce waste it’s time to make them habits or part of your routines. In time it will be second nature to choose products with less packaging, and carry your own reusable bags, cutlery, and coffee mug. Good luck to all of us.

Do you have more ideas on how we can reduce the waste we throw into landfill? Let us know in the comments. I can always use more tips.


2 responses to “Reduce Waste to Save our Planet”

  1. irocketclassics Avatar

    We don’t have all the options that you do, I sure wish that we did. Still I do a lot of reusing and I save from using as little plastic and wood as possible. I have 1 full trash can a month. Great to hear you’re working on it and passing some fabulous tips on.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. RazzworksRoze Avatar

      It’s a shame you don’t have more options available to you. I’m sure you’re still doing more than many others. Keep it up and thanks for your comment.


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